Algorithm : 1)Take the last two digits of the year. 2)Divide by 4, discarding any fraction. 3)Add the day of the month. 4)Add the month's key value: JFM AMJ JAS OND 144 025 036 146 5)Subtract 1 for January or February of a leap year. 6)For a Gregorian date, add 0 for 1900's, 6 for 2000's, 4 for 1700's, 2 for 1800's; for other years, add or subtract multiples of 400. 7)For a Julian date, add 1 for 1700's, and 1 for every additional century you go back. 8)Add the last two digits of the year. 9)Divide by 7 and take the remainder. Example : Let's take a date: 26/03/2027 Last two digit of the year = 27 Divide by 4 discard fraction = 27/4 = 6.75 = 6 Add day = 6 + 26 = 32 Month key = 4 + 32 = 36 Add year code = 36 + 6 = 42 Now add two digits of the first year = 42 + 27 = 69 Now get the remainder after dividing by 7 = 69%7=6 So 1 is Sunday so 6 is Friday So 27/03/2027 Program : import java.util.Scanner; public class daydate { public static void main(String[] arg...
WAP to accept a sentence which may be terminated by either , ; ? . or !(Any other character may be ignored). The words may be separated by more than one blank space and are in upper case. Perform the following tasks: (i) Accept the sentence and reduce all extra blank spaces between two words to a single blank space. (ii) Accept a word from the user which is a part of the sentence along with its position number and delete the word and display the distance. Example: Input: AS YOU SOW,SO SO YOU REAP. AS YOU SOW,SO SO YOU REAP Word To be deleted : SO Word position in the sentence: 4 Output: AS YOU SOW,SO YOU REAP import java.util.*; public class code { public static void main( String [] args) { Scanner sc= new Scanner(; System.out.println( "Enter a sentence:" ); String m = sc.nextLine(); char ch = m.charAt(m.length()- 1 ); ...