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Arduino LED Blinker Built In

 Arduino LED Blinker Built In Code // C++ code // void setup() {   pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); } void loop() {   digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);   delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s) means 1 sec   digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);   delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s) } Scratch

LM7805 LED Circuit Potentionmeter

 LM7805 LED Circuit Potentiometer Components Circuit Design

ShiftRows 2025 ISC Practical

  Write a program to declare a matrix A[][] of order (M × N) where ‘M’ is the number of rows and ‘N’ is the number of columns such that both M and N must be greater than 2 and less than 10. Allow the user to input integers into this matrix. Display appropriate error message for an invalid input. Perform the following tasks on the matrix: (a) Display the input matrix. (b) Shift each row one step upwards so the first row becomes the last row, 2 nd row will be the 1 st row and so on. (c) Display the rotated matrix along with the highest element and its location in the matrix. Test your program for the following data and some random data: Example 1 INPUT: M = 3 N = 4 Enter elements in the matrix: 100 90 87 76 200 500 167 998 77 567 89 254 OUTPUT: FORMED MATRIX AFTER ROTATING: 200 500 167 998 77 567 89 254 100 90 87 76 Highest element: 998 (Row: 0 and Column: 3) Example 2 INPUT: M = 4 N = 3 Enter elements in the matrix: 54 120 187 78 55 289 134 67 89 63 341 122 OUTPUT: FORMED MATRIX A...

Natural Language Processing CBSE Class 10

Natural Language Processing We are leaning NLP! Tokens: We,are,learning,NLP,! Syntax means proper arrangement of words according to rules. Now when syntax makes sense it becomes semantics His future is very bright. (semantics) Data Processing 1) Pre-processing steps (Text Normalisation) Example words like slang,short form,misspelled,special meaning  character needs to be converted into canonical form.    Words Canonical form   b4,beefore,bifore           before Gni8                        Good night   tysm    Thank you so much gr8,grt                       great   Statement:   Gn tke care Perform text normalisation Answer: Good night take care. (corpus)   There are multiple steps for performing text normalisation: 1. Sentence Segmentation   2. Tokenization 3. Rem...

Database Creation & Table Manipulations

Database Creation & Table Manipulations   /*creating a database*/ create database school; /*show list of databases*/ show databases; /*to delete a database*/ drop database school; /*getting into a database school*/ use school; /*creating a table info Name Roll Section Subject */ create table info( name varchar(255), roll int, section varchar(1), subject varchar(25) ); /*to show list of tables present inside school database*/ show tables; /*to show the structure of table*/ desc info; /*to add a new column*/ alter table info add column house varchar(255); /*to add a class column after roll number*/ alter table info add column class int after roll; /*to add checking to class column*/ alter table info change column class class int check(class>0 and class<13) not null; /*to add primary key to class roll*/ alter table info change column roll roll int primary key; /*adding a default value to house set house to white house*/ alter table info change column house house varch...

ISC 2025 Specimen Paper: Library Inheritance Program

A library issues books on rental basis at a 2% charge on the cost price of the book per day. As per the rules of the library, a book can be retained for 7 days without any fine. If the book is returned after 7 days, a fine will also be charged for the excess days as per the chart given below: Number of excess days Fine per day (Rs.) 1 to 5 2.00 6 to 10 3.00 Above 10 5.00 A super class  Library  has been defined. Define a subclass  Compute  to calculate the fine and the total amount. The details of the members of both the classes are given below: Class name : Library Data members/instance variables : name: to store the name of the book author: to store the author of the book p: to store the price of the book (in decimals) Methods/Member functions : Library(…): parameterized constructor to assign values to the data members void show(): displays the book details Class name : Compute Data members/instance variables : d: number of days taken in returning the book f: to st...